Saturday, October 24, 2009

2009-10-10.Chelsey & Nick's Wedding

No two weddings are alike.  Every wedding is unique in its own special way.  As a photographer, I appreciate the anxiety and emotions of the day.  Chelsey's wedding was truly special.  Her family was the nicest people you'll ever meet.  I was so honored to be there.  Congratulations to Chelsey & Nick!  


  1. The pictures are awesome you did such a good job...can't wait to see more. Hopefully you didnt get any of me falling!
    CO maid of honor

  2. Ha ha! That's funny! I should have taken a picture of me driving my car into the ditch after the reception. (QT)

  3. Cute wedding! I love the bride's style with that gorgeous dress and veil. The shot on the railroad tracks is my fave. Nice job! :)
